Privacy Policy

Protecting the privacy of people using the website is crucial to us, hence UNITED BINDERY sp. z o.o. sp. kom., the website owner, makes every effort to ensure such privacy.

In order to clearly and reliably present the rules of personal data processing when using our services, we have created this document, called the Privacy Policy. You will find in it both the rights that you are entitled to and our obligations, which we respect to guarantee the lawful processing of your personal data.


To make things clear, we have defined the terms used in this document:

United Bindery – this is us – a commercial company with the following data:

UNITED BINDERY sp. z o.o. sp. kom.
ul. Księcia Witolda 7-9
PL 71-063 Szczecin

Account – a set of information and settings created for the User on the Website, used to manage services.

Cookies – small pieces of information sent by the website visited, that are saved on the device (computer, laptop, smartphone) used when browsing.

EEA – European Economic Area

GDPR – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

Website – website operating at, belonging to UNITED BINDERY sp. z o.o. sp. kom., through which United Bindery provides its services.

Website owner – UNITED BINDERY sp. z o.o. sp. kom. is also the administrator of personal data.

User – an adult natural person who has an Account and uses the services offered by United Bindery on the Website.

You, your – User’s


The administrator of your personal data in accordingly with the use of the Website is:

UNITED BINDERY sp. z o.o. sp. kom.
Penkuner Chaussee 3
17329 Krackow


If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, including your rights, please contact us:

By mail at,

By a written request addressed at:
UNITED BINDERY sp. z o.o. sp. kom.

ul. Księcia Witolda 7-9
PL 71-063 Szczecin

By phone at +48 884 084 111 – Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM CET/CEST.


All data concerning Users is obtained by us in two ways:

4.1. Information voluntarily provided by Users while registering on the Website, while contacting us and while using the Website, e.g. through published content and photos/videos, or other data provided by the User (e.g. own website statistics etc.).

4.2. Information obtained while using the Website by the User. For example, those can be:

  • Information in server logs – data such as the page request sent by the user, date and time the request was made and the response was sent, device data (e.g. hardware model), browser type, browser language, the type of operating system, are automatically saved,
  • Information collected by Google Analytics in the process of monitoring website visit statistics,
  • The IP address of the device, which allows, among others, to identify the country from which a given user connects to the network,
  • Cookies sent to the User’s device when visiting the Website.


United Bindery processes the Users’ personal data provided in the application form. For each User, these are: name, surname, e-mail address, password, profile picture (avatar). In the case of an Entrepreneur, these are additionally: contact details.

Moreover, in connection with the use of the Website, the Administrator may use the following personal data of the User:

  • Provided (shared, published) by the User on the website, such as photos (including photos containing an image), additional information, telephone number, further contact details, etc.,
  • Data shared from social networks,
  • Data on location, transactions, IP, language preferences, browser type, device data, etc.,
  • Analytical and statistical data about the User provided by other entities, such as social networks, etc.


The goal of united bindery is continuous progress and expansion of services and functionalities available on the Website. If it requires the use of the User’s data in a way other than that described in the Privacy Policy, United Bindery will complete the missing information and provide it to the User before obtaining this data, if possible. As a rule, also in this case the information on the processing of personal data contained in this Privacy Policy remains valid.


User’s personal data obtained with the use of the Website is used by United Bindery for various purposes, to a different extent and on a different legal basis as defined in the GDPR:

7.1. Creating an Account and authenticating the User on the Website

Scope of data: for this purpose, we process the personal data provided by you in the registration form for the Website, that is:
For each User: name, surname, e-mail, password, profile picture (avatar), in the case of running a business – tax identification number and the company under which the activity is conducted.
Additionally in the case of an Entrepreneur: contact details.

Purpose: performance of the contract.

Legal basis: information necessary to perform the service contract (Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR).

7.2. Dealing with complaints and requests, answering questions

Scope of data: for this purpose, we may process some personal data provided by you in the complaint, request or inquiry, as well as data on the use of the Website service, which is the cause of the complaint, request or inquiry. These data are contained in the documents attached by you.

Purpose: recognition of a complaint, complaint, application or answering an inquiry.

Legal basis: our legitimate interest (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR), consisting in improving the functionality of services provided electronically and building positive relationships with Users, based on reliability and loyalty.

7.3. Making settlements

Scope of data: data necessary to make settlements, including: name, surname, the company under which the business is conducted, address, tax identification number.

Purpose: performance of billing obligations

Legal basis: fulfillment of the legal obligation incumbent on the administrator under (Article 6 (1) (c) of the GDPR)

7.4. Statistics on the use of individual Website functionalities

Scope of data: processing personal data regarding your activity on the Websites, such as: visited pages and subpages of the Website and the amount of time spent on each of them, as well as data on your search history, your IP address, location, device ID and data concerning the browser and the operating system.

Purpose: improving and streamlining the functioning of the Website.

Legal basis: our legitimate interest (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR), consisting in facilitating the use of electronic services and improving the functionality of these services.

7.5. Establishing, pursuing and enforcing claims

Scope of data: processing personal data provided by you in the profile, or while completing the order without creating a profile, such as: name, surname, address, tax identification number, data on the use of our services, if the claims result from the method, how you use our services, other data necessary to prove the existence of the claim, including the extent of the damage suffered.

Purpose: to enable the establishment, investigation and enforcement of claims.

Legal basis: our legitimate interest (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR), consisting in establishing, pursuing and enforcing claims and defending against claims in proceedings before courts and other state authorities.

7.6. Own statistics

Scope of data: processing your personal data provided while using the Website.

Purpose: development and analysis of statistics of parameters and results regarding actions on the Website.

Legal basis: our legitimate interest (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR), consisting in the analysis of the results of the marketing campaign, geographical distribution, forecasts and development of our business.

7.7. Contact with United Bindery

Scope of data: processing personal data provided by you in your profile, as well as data on the use of our services, which are the cause of contact, and data contained in the documents attached to the inquiry. Contact can be made via chat or email.

Purpose: to answer the inquiry.

Legal basis: our legitimate interest (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR), creating and maintaining relationships with current and future customers, and depending on the content of the correspondence – taking action at your request, including before concluding a possible contract.

7.8. Direct Marketing

Scope of data: name, surname, address, email address

Purpose: sending commercial information and marketing materials by email or post, granting discounts and other benefits.

Legal basis: our legitimate interest (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR), activities aimed at obtaining new orders.


We store your personal data as long as you have an Account on the Website, in order to provide services by United Bindery and functionalities related to the Website, as well as other services in accordance with the Regulations, as well as for marketing purposes. After deleting the Account, your data will be anonymized, with the exception of the following data: name, surname, email address, application history and information on consents (we will keep this data for a period of 3 years from deleting the Account for the purpose of considering complaints and claims related to using our services). If the provision of services involves the necessity to perform tax and legal obligations, the necessary data will be processed for the period required by law (usually 5 years from the date of fulfillment of the tax and legal obligation). Data, the basis for processing of which is consent – we will be able to process until it is withdrawn.

Moreover, we store Users’ personal data for a period corresponding to the life cycle of cookies stored on their devices.


Providing personal data is voluntary, but necessary to use the services available on the Website.

Providing data is not a statutory requirement.


We provide your personal data to the following categories of recipients:

10.1. The other side of the transaction: courier/logistics/postal companies

10.2. Service providers that we use to run the Website. Service providers to whom we transfer your personal data, depending on contractual arrangements and circumstances, either are subject to our instructions as to the purposes and methods of processing this data (processors), or independently define the purposes and methods of their processing (administrators).

10.3. Processors:

  • We use or plan to use suppliers who process your personal data only on our instructions. They provide us with a hosting service, provide and maintain the functioning of IT solutions (Website), entities that provide us with systems for online marketing, behavioral remarketing, for displaying web push notifications, for sending email messages, for analyzing traffic on the Websites, for analyzing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns , as well as entities supporting the implementation of certain functionalities of the Website.
  • Entities providing advisory, accounting and consulting services
  • Courier and logistic companies, Poczta Polska (Polish Post).

10.4. State authorities:
We provide your personal data if requested by authorized state authorities, in particular organizational units of the prosecutor’s office, the Police, the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection, the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection or the President of the Office of Electronic Communications.


Your personal data is generally not transferred outside the EEA.

However, some of our suppliers are based outside of the EEA (in the US). In this case, personal data will only be transferred to them if they have been covered by the Privacy Shield program, which obliges them to provide similar protection with regard to data transferred between Europe and the United States.


We do not use profiling and automated decision making.


In connection with the processing of your personal data by United Bindery, you have a number of rights, the implementation of which we are obliged to ensure.

You can exercise your rights by submitting your request to us in writing or to the email address:

Remember, you have the right to:

13.1. Access your data

By exercising this right, you have the right, in particular, to obtain confirmation from us as to whether we process your personal data, and if this is the case, you have the right to:

  1. Get access to your personal data,
  2. Obtain information about the purposes of processing, categories of personal data processed, recipients or categories of recipients of this data, the planned period of storage of your data or the criteria for determining this period, your rights under the GDPR and the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, the source of these data data on automated decision making, including profiling.
  3. Obtain a copy of your personal data.

Legal basis: art. 15 GDPR

13.2. Request rectification of your data

You have the right to rectify and supplement the personal data provided by you. With regard to other personal data, you have the right to request us to correct this data (if incorrect) and supplement it (if incomplete).

Legal basis: art. 16 GDPR

13.3. Demand removal of data

You have the right to request the deletion of all or some of your personal data. We will treat the request to delete all personal data as a request for deletion and resignation from using the Website.

You have the right to request the deletion of personal data if:

  1. Your personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or processed,
  2. Data was processed on the basis of consent, and this consent was withdrawn,
  3. You have objected to the use of your data for marketing purposes,
  4. Your personal data is processed unlawfully. Despite the request to delete personal data in connection with the objection, we may retain certain personal data to the extent necessary for the purpose of establishing, investigating or defending claims, as well as in order to fulfill the obligations provided for by law. This applies in particular to personal data including: name, surname, e-mail address and application history, which we keep for the purpose of considering complaints and claims related to the use of our services.

Legal basis: art. 17 GDPR

13.4. Requests to limit the processing of your data

You have the right to demand that the processing of your personal data be restricted.

You have the right to request the restriction of the use of your personal data in the following cases:

  1. When you question the correctness of your personal data – then we will limit their use for the time needed to verify the correctness of your data, but no longer than for 7 days,
  2. When the processing of your data is unlawful, and instead of deleting the data, you request the restriction of their use;
  3. When your personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which we collected or used them, but you need them to establish, assert or defend claims;
  4. When you have objected to the use of your data – then the restriction takes place for the time needed to consider whether – due to your special situation – the protection of your interests, rights and freedoms outweighs the interests that we pursue when processing your personal data.

Legal basis: art. 18 GDPR

13.5. Transfer your data

You have the right to receive your personal data that you provided to us, and then send it to another personal data administrator of your choice. You also have the right to request that personal data be sent to another administrator directly by us, as long as it is technically possible.

We will send your personal data as a csv file. The csv format is a commonly used, machine-readable format that allows the received data to be sent to another personal data administrator.

Legal basis: art. 20 GDPR

13.6. Express an objection to the processing of your data

You have the right to object to the use of your personal data at any time if we process your data based on our legitimate interest.

If your objection turns out to be justified and we have no other legal basis to process your personal data, we will delete your data, the use of which you objected to.

Legal basis: art. 21 GDPR

13.7. Withdraw a consent to the processing of personal data

With regard to personal data the processing of which is based on consent, you have the right to withdraw it. You can exercise this right, among others by writing to us at the e-mail address at:

13.8. Submit a complaint to the supervisory authority

If you believe that your right to personal data protection or other rights granted to you under the GDPR have been violated, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.

Legal basis: art. 77 GDPR

When do we fulfill your request?

If, in exercising the above-mentioned rights, you make a request to us, we comply with this request or refuse to comply with it immediately, but no later than within one month after receiving it. However, if due to the complexity of the request or the number of requests we will not be able to meet your request within a month, we will comply with it within the next two months, informing you in advance about the intended extension of the deadline.


The security of your data is important to us, so we strive to maintain appropriately high standards. The website uses encrypted data transmission (SSL) during registration and logging in, which ensures protection of the data that identifies you and significantly hinders the interception of access to your Account by unauthorized systems or persons.

Remember, however, that no method of providing information when using the Internet or electronic data storage can be 100% sure. Although we try to use solutions dedicated to the protection of your data, we cannot guarantee that this protection will be absolute.


We use cookies and similar technologies to be able to know your activity on the Website and obtain certain information.

Cookies are files containing small information that may contain a unique anonymous identifier. Cookies are sent to your browser by the websites you visit and stored on the device you use. We also use such “tracking” technologies as: beacons, tags, scripts used to collect and track information and to improve the functioning and proper analysis of our Website.

You have the option of managing cookies yourself: including blocking and refusing cookies, or defining them. This is made possible, for example, by internet browsers that have a cookie management function.

Remember, however, that the lack of consent to cookies may make the use of the Website impossible.

Below are the types of cookies we use:

  • Session cookies
  • Preferential cookie
  • Security cookies


Following the development of technology and changes in the law, we adapt the Privacy Policy to them, changing or supplementing its provisions as needed.

We will inform you about any changes or additions by posting relevant information on the Website, and in the case of significant changes, we may also send you separate notifications to the e-mail address provided by you.

The Privacy Policy does not limit any rights you are entitled to in accordance with the Regulations for the provision of services and the law.